Koh Tao - pre-travel post

So, we have primarily come here to complete a diving course before miss diving opportunities off the coast of Vietnam. We followed the advice of NomadicMatt and chose a medium size school; Simple Life Diving. We booked our accommodation through them also.

But we also have some time relax, and from reading around Koh Tao is a pretty relaxed island, with beautiful sandy beaches. There is also a nearby island connected by a naturally occurring sandbar. which only costs 100THB to visit - LonelyPlanet.

Travelling Twats

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.


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Two 23 year olds going off backpacking and documenting both the research and (hopefully) traval stages. Maybe it will be helpful to some people? I don't know,