
In a Tuk Tuk

At about 12pm we arrived in Ayutthaya and booked the train to Chiang Mai for that evening. Then Dave and I set off into the city to see the ruins, with our big backpacks in the scorching heat. We hired a tuk tuk to give us a wee tour of the ruins, but got bored fairly quickly so we paid our tuk tuk driver and chilled in the shade of the ruins for a while. 
Some ruins
More ruins
Ooh look, a Christmas tree

After about 2 hours we finally mustered the willpower to reload ourselves with our luggage and begin the 15 minute walk to the city centre, but we got totally lost and ended up in the suburbs. We asked for directions toward the city centre and found that no one spoke any English out here, but the lady we asked found us someone who knew a few words. 
Lost in the sticks

This guy then tried to get me and Dave and our bags onto his motorbike, and tried to persuade us to put our faith in him by saying "trust me, I'm a policeman". Aye sure you are pal. We walked off back towards the ruins to find a tuk tuk and went back to the centre, where we spent the next 5 or 6 hours in a bar getting steadily drunk with a Dutch family. At 23.30 we dragged ourselves over the road to the train station, boarded our train and promptly passed out. 
Racking up the Changs

Travelling Twats

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.


About Me

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Two 23 year olds going off backpacking and documenting both the research and (hopefully) traval stages. Maybe it will be helpful to some people? I don't know,