Outbound Journey

We flew from Birmingham to Dehli and then from Dehli to Bangkok. Before the flight we grabbed a quick pint then headed off to our gate. 
Pint time!

Planes seem to have changed a bit since I was a kid, apparently now everyone has their own screen and can pick what they want to watch, pretty awesome. We watched Jurassic World then Mission Impossible - Rogue Nation with a curry for dinner AND FREE ALCOHOLIC DRINKS!!! Obviously we were chuffed about the free drinks - even if we were limited to two. The man sitting next to us must have took pity on our measly amounts of alcohol, as he decided to offer us a drink from the large bottle of whiskey he had stashed by his feet. We were grateful for the first drink, then the man kept trying to get us to drink and would too up our drinks even as we said we didn't want any. Obviously this man hadn't seen the informative video on tea etiquette - if someone says they don't want tea, don't make them tea.  Talking of tea, for our meal Air India served us curry - surprise surprise - which I promptly spilt all down my brand new hoody.
After that, Dave went to sleep doing the classic "head nod" whilst I managed to stay awake all damn night.

Ugh so tired

Currently dreading having to stay up for at least the next 16 hours or risk wasting days on jet lag. Why oh why can't I sleep on a damn plane?!? -.-

At 4am uk time, breakfast was served, and our friendly neighbour continued to try and make us drink. At least he didn't try and make Dave drink whilst he was sleeping.

Screens showing flight details

We landed in Dehli at 10.45am local time, and our connecting flight had already been delayed by an hour, so we spent ages in the airport aimlessly wandering round and dying of boredom. Yet still we managed to nearly miss the final call and had to leg it to the gate to be the last ones to board.
Dehli Airport

Once boarded, we spent about 40 minutes on the runway moving nowhere, but still with the engine running. Again the food was curry, and this time it was Dave who spilt it down his new hoody, so we're even now. I still haven't slept since Sunday night, and it's now about 1pm Tuesday UK time. Somehow I'm still functioning, but I'm sure I'll enjoy my bed tonight. We should arrive in Bangkok in about an hour, and hopefully (If I've filled in my arrival card correctly) we should get through airport security and into Bangkok City centre hassle free...


And it was hassle free! They didn't even check to make sure we had an outbound flight. Once outside, we struggled to flag a taxi before finding out you needed to get a ticket first from the machine. The taxi driver however had no idea where he was going, but still sped towards the city centre with my hotel booking in his hand whilst trying to ring the hotel to ask them where they were. Eventually he veered down a tiny alleyway and dropped us off, directing us down an even shittier alleyway, to our rather nice hotel for the night... apart from the shower.

Travelling Twats

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.


About Me

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Two 23 year olds going off backpacking and documenting both the research and (hopefully) traval stages. Maybe it will be helpful to some people? I don't know,