Hanoi - pre-travel post

Hanoi is the capital city of Vietnam and consequently, very busy. The night life is apparently quite good, though as for things to do, its mostly museums, parks and lakes. Since we have our nerdy friend joining us here, we will actually be doing the museums...

First up, the Ho Chi Minh Museum. A museum detailing the life of Ho Chi Minh, a communist leader in the 20th century. Entrance fee 10,000VD. Set aside a couple of hours for this.

Then, another museum, the Vietnam Military History Museum, Pretty self explanatory really. Entrance fee is 30,000 VD (plus 20,000 for cameras).

In the city centre there a nice looking lake, which might be a good place to have lunch, There is a legend of a sword from the gods which was taken back by a big turtle, so that's normal... This place is southeast of the museums.
 There is also a French-built prison here called Hoa Lo prison (open 8.30-11.30, 13.30-16.30). This is where the French imprisoned and executed Vietnamese rebels and is now a museum to the brutal French colonial regime and the struggle of the Vietnamese people. Entrance fee 20,000VD.

One stop I've been dragged into is the B-52 lake or Huu Tiep Lake, at the bottom of which lies the huge plane which was shot down by Vietnamese anti aircraft guns in 1972. Shouldn't take long to view this.

Travelling Twats

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.


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Two 23 year olds going off backpacking and documenting both the research and (hopefully) traval stages. Maybe it will be helpful to some people? I don't know,