Phnom Penh - pre-travel post

Top of the list for things to do in Phnom Penh? The killing fields of course! Above is a commemorative stupa filled with the skulls of the victims at the Killing Field of Cheoung Ek. Charming huh? We thought so too, so we'll be heading there and paying $6 to have a wee look.

In case you're feeling a bit emotional about death and the suffering humans cause each other, go to a shooting range and fire a freaking rocket launcher! I thought it was a joke, but you can actually do this, find your local shooting range on TripAdvisor. I'm serious. It's pricey though, costing around $350 to fire a rocket launcher, machine guns are cheaper though.

An even cheaper option to getting over your new found emotional-ness, attend a cock fight! Sadly these aren't on TripAdvisor, so we will have to have a wee look around once we get there.

And finally to bring you back to earth, it is recommended you stay at Boeung Kak lake. These are the images that come up when you google that, so I imagine it must be a damn beautiful lake they're fighting to protect...

Well not anymore. A lot of the lake was filled in with sand and people's houses were ripped down to build bigger and better building by some company that government leased the land to. I think the places I found this recommended were slightly out of date. For more information see Nomadic Matt's post here.

Travelling Twats

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.


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Two 23 year olds going off backpacking and documenting both the research and (hopefully) traval stages. Maybe it will be helpful to some people? I don't know,