Vang Vieng - pre-travel post

10:55 , 0 Comments

The number one thing we have come here for is, like most, BAR TUBING!! So, you rent a tube, you float down the river and you pull yourself into bars along the way. Sounds awesome right? Wrong... kind of. Due to the large number of tourists it brought in the town itself changed, with a lot more drugs coming in. Mix in some alcohol and watersports, and presto! Lots of injuries. So a lot of the bars were torn down, but a few still remain, so you can have slightly more sensible fun now i guess?

The town seems to mainly live off tourists so there's plenty to do. There's kayaking, ziplining and even hot air ballooning! (£50 for 40 minutes)

The rooms come in pretty cheap at a base rate of £2!

And there is a beautiful pool nearby known as the 'Blue Lagoon; (pictured below) where there are rope swings too!


Blue Lagoon is 7km from town. Cross the toll bridge (4,000 kip per person, 6,000 kip for bicycle and 10,000 kip for motorbike) and head west, perhaps stopping at Lao Valhalla one kilometre in for a fruit shake. After four kilometres, you’ll come to a fork. Take a right and continue until you reach the gate. This information is taken from TravelFIsh, which also provides this nifty tip;

Along the road to the Blue Lagoon are a few turnoffs to caves and other lagoons including one leading to a fake Blue Lagoon complete with sign and ticket booth. The fake Blue Lagoon is a simple bend in a creek with a swing rope and a couple of pavilions in which to relax — you’ll know you’re at the fake one if there are only a couple of other people around. The fake Blue Lagoon is two kilometres short of the real one — and is not worth visiting.

Also, near the lagoon is the Cave of The Golden Crab, featuring.. Yes, you guessed it - A bronze reclining Buddah! It's a steep climb up a slippery trail, and you'll need a torch if you want to explore further.

Travelling Twats

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.


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Two 23 year olds going off backpacking and documenting both the research and (hopefully) traval stages. Maybe it will be helpful to some people? I don't know,