Luang Prabang - pre-travel post

07:27 , 0 Comments

The city is located at the confluence of the Nam Khan and Mekong river. Although they call it a city, it has a population of only 50,000. There are numerous temples and monasteries - literally loads. To go with them, the city also had hundreds of monks, who walk through the streets every morning collecting alms.

One recommended item to do that keeps cropping up is to talk to a monk, and have an insightful conversation. But as my travel-book warns, DON'T GET RAPED BY A MONK!! (I'm serious, look!)

But there are other things to do here...

Mount Phousi 

Go to the top of Mount Phousi (for a 20,000 kip fee) and take in the magnificent view over Luang Prabang.

Kuang Si Waterfalls

These beautiful and pituresque waterfalls are just 29km south of the city. A tuk-tuk there should cost 40,000 kip each way.

Tad Sae Waterfalls

Get a tuk-tuk to here, there is a river boat to get there (10,000 kip each way pp) and an admission fee of 15,000 kip. Here you can swim, take elephant rides, trek to smaller, quieter waterfalls upstream and there is also a zipline rumoured to be 1000m.

La Pistoche

A pool with a bar almost in the pool, with a 7 hour long happy hour. Don't you just love relaxed health and safety?

Other things to do

Visit the elephant sanctuary and see how the people try to reverse the damage done to these animals and give them a new life.

Go on a banana boat!!

Visit Gok Pop Tok living craft centre. A fairtrade and informative day, learn to weave bamboo and dye silk. Best of all, it's entirely free! They even offer a free tuk-tuk from any of their shops in town at 10am, 12am and 2pm.

Travelling Twats

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.


About Me

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Two 23 year olds going off backpacking and documenting both the research and (hopefully) traval stages. Maybe it will be helpful to some people? I don't know,